Friday, January 8, 2010


It seems like the second verse of the same old song... what am I doing on a Friday night? Cleaning out dresser drawers so I don't have to take so much "stuff" to the new house. So far, I've tackled one. It contained new and barely started cross-stitch kits that I had intended to complete and give as gifts for about 10 years now; a clothes shaver (to get rid of those pesky sweater balls); about a gazillion pens and pencils; greeting cards just waiting for the perfect moment to give them; thread, needles and a seam ripper (why?); scissors; a recipe from my mom; a few photos; 3 decks of playing cards, a few random cards (that I'm SURE I will find the rest of the decks they go to as I continue cleaning) and a farkle game; and probably $15 in various coins (including foreign coins from our various travels.) I've thrown away or am planning to give more than half of it away and probably could get rid of more, but... Well, maybe I'll get rid of more on the second round! You know, I might need that stuff "some day"!!!!!!

On to drawer 2!! I wonder what surprises lurk in there?

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