Sunday, May 24, 2009

Copying Steph's (who's copying Heather's) Blog

So I dont really have anything to blog about today so I thought I would steal Steph's idea to copy Heather's blog:

1. What are the names of the kids you used to babysit?
In junior high school, I only babysat one family of kiddos for a couple of months, but got too busy with school activities after that. Unfortunately, I don't remember their names, but it was a family of 4 children with a 6-week old infant to a 5 year old, which was really tough for a junior high babysitter to handle!!
2. Do you prefer hot sandwiches or cold sandwiches? Cold
3. What was the highlight of your week? Having Jon come home from college and getting ready for a little family "get-together" tomorrow.
4. What color shirt are you wearing? Yellow
5. What was your favorite subject in school? Business classes
6. What do you like about Mondays? It's a new opportunity to tackle things that are still outstanding on my desk at work!
7. What are three of the most beautiful things you have ever seen? I am excluding people from this response... but the most beautiful scenery I have ever seen include: New Zealand's Remarkables Mountain Range at Queenstown, the Grand Canyon by airplane, a volcano by helicopter in Hawaii.
8. What are three things you do not like? People who are mean to store clerks/waiters/waitresses/etc., impatient drivers who yell at other cars, brussel sprouts.
9. 5 things you take with you when you leave the house: cell phone, keys, purse with drivers license and insurance,
10. What's the next important date on your calendar? Ryan's b-day!
11. Are you moody in the morning? Well, I hit my snooze alarm wayyyy too many times, so yes, you could probably say that!
12. When was the last time you were at a baseball game? And how many major league ball parks have you been in? Probably 5-6 years; 2, both in Arlington, TX (the old and new Ranger stadiums)
13. Fireworks: take them or leave them? Take them!!
14. What was your first thought when you woke up this morning? I need to let Max out.
15. Last thing you purchased? Groceries
16. What is irritating you now? Not knowing what the weather will be like tomorrow...
17. What is the last magazine you read? Texas Monthly
18. What is the latest you've stayed up in the past week? 2:30 am
19. Which TV shows have you seen pretty much every episode of? I DVR lots of shows and speed through them... particularly the boring parts of shows like ANTM, Project Runway, The Apprentice (not so much any more), The Bachelor/Bachelorette, and HGTV shows. I also love to watch Extreme Home Makeover and cry every time!
20. Do you feel guilty easily? Of course!

Hope everyone is having a great Memorial Day weekend!

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