Monday, February 15, 2010

Tomorrow is a big day... one way or the other!

I was supposed to close on the sale of my house tomorrow morning at 8:30 am. However, the lender for the young couple buying my house (which happens to be my own bank) has failed to get the appropriate paperwork to the title company on time. So... I am just praying that I am able to close sometime tomorrow so I don't have to reschedule all the appointments I've made for utilities, cable, deliveries, movers, etc. It's gonna be a mess if that happens. UGH... So, I'm trying to stay focused on the positive and hoping that we are able to close on both houses tomorrow and all will proceed as planned.

Keep me in your prayers, OK??

Have an awesome week, everyone!! I'm on vacation for a few days!! :)

1 comment:

Stephani said...

Oh no! I'm sure everything will be alright! When I sold homes that stuff happened all the time...they usually (the banks) pull it together somehow. I'll say a prayer for you!