Today, most of the dry wall/framing was completed, along with the installation of some of the recessed light fixtures. Tomorrow should be a fun day since all of the electrical work should be finished (except for installing the oven). The electrician is having to replace some of the wiring because there just isn't enough juice coming through the line to light all of the fixtures as brightly as they are supposed to be. (He thinks it has something to do with old aluminum wiring.... Oh, the joys of owning a 50-year old house!!)
I have removed most of the old wallpaper border and will finish repairing the wall paper as soon as they finish sections of the drywall and painting work.
Then... the granite should arrive on Saturday or Sunday and, hopefully, the oven will arrive on Monday. It is definitely fun to see it all coming together! :)
i love the light fixture mom! can't wait to see it all put together!
cool mom!
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