“Failure is not fatal, but failure to change might be.”
~John Wooden
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Wednesday... Grateful...
Well, it's Wednesday morning. Nothing special, but just glad to still be kicking. :)
I woke up thinking about all the families that are cold this morning, who slept without heat or a good dinner last night... I feel so blessed to have a good job, a warm home and a car that runs well. How very, very blessed I have been.
Lord, help me continue to be thankful, to have a heart for You each and every day, and to do what I can to help make my corner of the world maybe a little better, a little brighter and focused toward you.
I woke up thinking about all the families that are cold this morning, who slept without heat or a good dinner last night... I feel so blessed to have a good job, a warm home and a car that runs well. How very, very blessed I have been.
Lord, help me continue to be thankful, to have a heart for You each and every day, and to do what I can to help make my corner of the world maybe a little better, a little brighter and focused toward you.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Trying a new church tomorrow...

I'm planning on visiting a church in Allen tomorrow that is fairly close to my new house. I visited FBC a couple of weeks ago, but I'm not sure it felt like home. Really nice people, though. I'm hoping to find a group that has some singles closer to my age.
Please keep me in your prayers that I will find the right church home where God wants me to be.
Thanks y'all!
9 and 25
It's 9 days until I move to my new office and 25 days until the new house... So, today I will be working on packing up portions of my office, especially the personal items. I have only been in this office a couple of years, so this move will be easier than moving from a house I have lived in since the early 1980's!!! I just keep envisioning a fresh start with new closets not being packed to the gils. Ahhh... I'm feeling refreshed already!
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Fun Day!

Had a fun day today... I got to show my friend Debbie M. the new house and it was awesome getting to go back and see it one more time. I also did a little consignment shopping and found a piece of furniture for the living room. It's a desk/work station that looks like a bookcase. It's really cool and the keyboard tray pulls out and looks like a drawer when it's shut. The bottom cabinets house the printer and all of the cords, so none of the cords will be a tangled mess like they are currently at my house. I think that finishes all my pre-house shopping, except maybe for a TV for the den.
Changing gears...
Tomorrow, there will be MLK celebrations across the country and I want to leave everyone with a couple of his quotes...
"An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity."
"I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character."
"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."
"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter."
Hope everyone has a good week!!
Saturday, January 16, 2010
New Fridge!

Just bought a new fridge for the new house... After much reading and getting feedback from lots of people, I decided to give a French Door model a try. When I do baking at Christmas, my shelves are never quite wide enough and I think this will be great... It's a Samsung and I really hope I made the right decision!! Thanks to everyone who gave me input!! (Isn't it pretty??!)
Friday, January 15, 2010
32 More Days!
Getting excited about moving... Both the new office in only 2 weeks and the new house in about 4 weeks!! I drove by the house today at lunch and there were workers taking care of the minor repairs. It's starting to feel real!!!!!!!
Monday, January 11, 2010
Thought for the day...
"Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight." (Prov. 3:5-6)
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Back to Detroit...

Last photo of Jon in front of this house. He's heading back to Detroit this morning to start the last semester of his Junior year. With a new roommate, that will bring some new adjustments, but I'm hoping it will be all good... Two studio courses will mean extra work this semester. Good luck, Jon!! :)
Saturday, January 9, 2010
More Progress!
We had a really productive day and I'm TIRED! We went through most of the boxes and drawers in Jen's room and several boxes from the garage (that had been in the attic). There were some precious stories and old pictures to reminisce about. :)
Jon and I also took years and years of old chemicals and paint to the hazardous waste disposal site this afternoon. All those old paint cans are finally GONE! :)
We accomplished a lot and I feel really good about today! BTW, all of this hard work today was my Christmas present from Jen and Jon. Such a fabulous gift!! Spending time together, even working, was wonderful!!!! Love you guys and THANK YOU!!!
Now we're getting ready for a final family get-together at the Peasner's before Jon goes back to school tomorrow. I'm gonna miss that boy!
Jon and I also took years and years of old chemicals and paint to the hazardous waste disposal site this afternoon. All those old paint cans are finally GONE! :)
We accomplished a lot and I feel really good about today! BTW, all of this hard work today was my Christmas present from Jen and Jon. Such a fabulous gift!! Spending time together, even working, was wonderful!!!! Love you guys and THANK YOU!!!
Now we're getting ready for a final family get-together at the Peasner's before Jon goes back to school tomorrow. I'm gonna miss that boy!
Here we go again... More sorting, tossing and sharing will be the theme of today and the next 37 days. I only have 38 days 'til closing!! I know it's going to fly by, but I truly am so excited!! At least today, I will have both Jen and Jon here to help me decide what to keep of their childhood memorabilia. I just hope I can keep us all focused and productive!! It should be fun to go through all their elementary school papers and stuffed animals, toys, etc. Still have Jon's dinosaurs and Jen's teddy bears. :)
Friday, January 8, 2010
It seems like the second verse of the same old song... what am I doing on a Friday night? Cleaning out dresser drawers so I don't have to take so much "stuff" to the new house. So far, I've tackled one. It contained new and barely started cross-stitch kits that I had intended to complete and give as gifts for about 10 years now; a clothes shaver (to get rid of those pesky sweater balls); about a gazillion pens and pencils; greeting cards just waiting for the perfect moment to give them; thread, needles and a seam ripper (why?); scissors; a recipe from my mom; a few photos; 3 decks of playing cards, a few random cards (that I'm SURE I will find the rest of the decks they go to as I continue cleaning) and a farkle game; and probably $15 in various coins (including foreign coins from our various travels.) I've thrown away or am planning to give more than half of it away and probably could get rid of more, but... Well, maybe I'll get rid of more on the second round! You know, I might need that stuff "some day"!!!!!!
On to drawer 2!! I wonder what surprises lurk in there?
On to drawer 2!! I wonder what surprises lurk in there?
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Baby, it's COLD outside!
Just like our weather people have been predicting, Dallas is COLD today. In fact, my office is closed until noon! Yay for "extra" time today. I needed it to continue working on house sale and moving arrangements!!
Stay safe and warm, everyone!
Stay safe and warm, everyone!
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
The Last Slumber Party and Goodbye Treehouse!
Just wanted to post a few pics of a couple of "lasts" at my old house that happened yesterday. Jon's good buddies spent the night for a last party with a fire in the fire pit. From what I could tell this morning, they looked like they had a good time. :)
Also, the couple buying the house requested that I tear down the tree house as a part of the purchase contract, so down it came today. It's a little sad to see it gone. So many fond memories... My favorite, though, was the look on Jon's face when he saw the tree house in the back yard after we returned home from vacation. I think he was 7 or 8 years old. Priceless...

Also, the couple buying the house requested that I tear down the tree house as a part of the purchase contract, so down it came today. It's a little sad to see it gone. So many fond memories... My favorite, though, was the look on Jon's face when he saw the tree house in the back yard after we returned home from vacation. I think he was 7 or 8 years old. Priceless...
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Refrigerators are Expensive!
Went refrigerator shopping today and there are some gorgeous ones out there now. I found a really pretty stainless steel one from Samsung that I like. I wish I could get better comparative info on them. They look so similar but the prices are all over the place. The reviews are also spotty and hard to compare.
If you have any advice, please leave a comment below.
Thanks!!!! :)
If you have any advice, please leave a comment below.
Thanks!!!! :)
Friday, January 1, 2010
A Prayer for 2010
In my daily devotional this morning, Os Hillman offered the following prayer and I wanted to share it with you all as we begin not only a new year but a new decade...
"Dear God, It is a new year on this earth. I want to begin the year with praise and thankfulness to you. I want to recommit myself to you; to do your good will; to follow your word and the guidance of your Holy Spirit. I want to draw closer to you in word, thought, and deed. I want to have an attitude of gratitude, a smile on my face and in my voice, and energy to do whatever task or ministry you want me to do. Please continue to provide my every need, as only you can do. Please bless me that I may be a blessing to others. Please give me wisdom, knowledge, desire, and power to go forth and live for you to make a difference in the lives of those around me and to glorify you. Please bless my coming and my going and open my mouth to speak words of truth and love. Thank you, God. In Jesus' name I pray, amen."
"Dear God, It is a new year on this earth. I want to begin the year with praise and thankfulness to you. I want to recommit myself to you; to do your good will; to follow your word and the guidance of your Holy Spirit. I want to draw closer to you in word, thought, and deed. I want to have an attitude of gratitude, a smile on my face and in my voice, and energy to do whatever task or ministry you want me to do. Please continue to provide my every need, as only you can do. Please bless me that I may be a blessing to others. Please give me wisdom, knowledge, desire, and power to go forth and live for you to make a difference in the lives of those around me and to glorify you. Please bless my coming and my going and open my mouth to speak words of truth and love. Thank you, God. In Jesus' name I pray, amen."
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